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By Clive Smith 3 months ago

What NOT to forget when moving house!

What NOT to forget when moving house!

Moving house can be a stressful business. Whether you’re selling a house, buying a house (or maybe both!) Packing up your household items, attempting to declutter and trying to stay sane when faced with a multitude of big decisions, there’s no way around the fact that you need all the help you can get to make your move go smoothly.

Hopefully, if you’ve engaged the services of a reputable removalist who has helped take the stress and hassle out of moving, by the time moving day rolls around, you should be feeling on top of things and organised.

Even the best of us forget the little things though. A great idea is to have a checklist so you can mark off each item as it is completed. 

You can find a Moving Interstate in Australia Checklist here!Moving Interstate Checklist - BSPC Removalists

6 Important things to remember on moving day

  • Keys

This one is incredibly common. There are a lot of keys flying around when you’re moving out of one house and into another. Next thing you know, you're standing at the front door of your new house with no way to get inside! Usually you have all your spare keys out, as well as the miscellanous ones, like for the backyard shed and the the pool fence. It can get confusing to say the least! Label two ziplock bags clearly with the old house address and the new house address. Pop all the relevant keys inside each bag and keep them in a safe place where they are readily accessible. Don’t forget to clearly label your self pack containers padlock key and keep it with the new house keys ready for the delivery of your moving container at your new home.

How to lock your moving container - BSPC RemovalistsA Shrouded Padlock - the best choice when locking a moving container

  • Any hidden items in house

A lot of us for some reason or another, like to hide valuables or special items in our houses. If you’re anything like me, you may have even hidden something and completely forgotten where! When you have finishing packing and the house is pretty well empty, it’s a good idea to do a thorough walk through all the rooms and to check right at the back of all cupboards and high shelves for anything stashed away.

What NOT to forget when moving - BSPC Removalists

  • Contact phone numbers during move

There are some vital phone numbers that you will need to have handy on moving day, make sure they are written down so if your phone gets misplaced or runs out of batteries, you are still able to access the numbers. Some of the essential numbers are:

  Your Real estate agent

  Your self pack removals company

  Your packing assistants (if you are having help loading your moving container)

  Your insurance company

  Phone / laptop chargers

The last thing you want is for your phone to go dead on moving day. It’s best to ensure your phone is fully charged the night before moving and then keep your chargers sealed in a labelled zip lock bag with the items that you will be keeping with you on moving day.

Things to remember when moving | Budget Self Pack Containers

  • Disconnect utilities

Although it’s best to arrange disconnecting your utilities prior to your actual day of moving; if you haven’t yet gotten around to doing this, don’t forget to do so before you leave the house. Also, it’s a good idea to turn off the mains power and gas if the house is going to be empty for any length of time.

  • Last minute cleaning items

No matter how much you clean as you go when moving house, there will always be some last minute touch ups that need doing as you move the final items out of your house. Instead of searching frantically for cleaning wipes when everything is packed, keep a small caddy of essential items such as paper towels, a scrubbing brush, absorbent clothes, bleach, floor cleaner, glass cleaner and all purpose cleaner. This way you can tackle any little messes that occur. It’s also a great idea to pop into your caddy, a few small essential tools that you may need, such as a flat head and Phillips screwdriver, a hammer, a tape measure, an adjustable spanner and a Stanley knife. If you pop this caddy into your moving container right before you close the doors, it will be waiting for you at the other end of your move where it will most likely come in just as handy!

Cleaning items when moving house - BSPC Removalists

Photo Sources:

Cleaning caddy image sourced here

Padlock image sourced here

Hidden items image sourced here

Hidden cupboard image sourced here

Phone image sourced here

Please note, we do not transport 10ft containers